
What is a Priestess?

Hello! My name is Charlotte. I am a Priestess. 

One of my beautiful teachers, Marin Antonson-Bach, recently did an entire teaching on claiming your priestess. She said, no other being has the right to “name” you. You are sovereign in your light and in your soul calling.

In every ceremonial circle we cast our space. We call in angels, ancestors, ascended masters, animal spirits, and the guardians of the watchtowers in every direction. We claim our space as safe, sacred, and holy – and it is BECAUSE WE SAY SO. We have no need for a patriarchal entity to grant us permission or blessing. 

When we are embodying the Divine Feminine energies within us, we are in a deep state of BE-ing. Not doing, achieving, qualifying, or proving. 

For me, I found my way back home to the Priestess path through the rose. I was drawn in and couldn’t deny my attraction and compulsion. I started growing them, learning about them, and creating healing modalities with them. The rose opened a portal in me to remembering that my ancestors did this work! As a Priestess, I stand in the threshold between worlds in a constant state of prayer, for the good of all humanity. 

If you are interested in learning more about the Priestess Path, please reach out. You CAN hold healing space for others. In circles, in healing, in ceremony. You will know it in your body. Your heart and in your womb. 

You can be initiated or ordained by a particular group. 

You can be activated at a cellular level. 

You can have a deep gnosis or awareness that you have done this before. 

And all that is right. 

Are you being called to remember your Priestess codes?

What is Soul Retrieval?

Our tribal elders believed that when you go through a traumatic experience or suffer through an intense and painful time, a part of your soul separates and gets stuck in that moment.

This could be anything from the death of a loved one, to a curt exchange with a rude person. It could be a schoolyard fight in your childhood, abandonment from a partner, or parent. An accident, or an illness. The wisdom of our body knows that we can’t always handle the full impact of a trauma so it separates as an act of protection. It stays frozen in that time until you are ready to retrieve it and release it.

The reason it wakes us up at night, or we re-play the exchange over and over again in our minds is because a part of our soul is trying to break free. You may feel like you are constantly struggling with the same themes. Lack of money, illness, unhealthy boundaries, loss, etc. This is actually the Universe and our highest self offering you an opportunity to heal and integrate these soul fragments. In a soul retrieval session, I use smoke, rattles, drums, and journey to travel back along your timeline with you and invite those soul fragments home so you can experience a more whole and complete life.

Traditional Soul Retrieval is a mostly passive practice. I have found that when a person is ready for healing, they want to take an active role in it. For those that are ready to dive deep and face shadows, that adding EFT, plant medicine, anointing, and guided journey can magnify the healing experience.

A session in my healing temple is $175 for 90 minutes.

What is Journey?

The Shamanic journey involves traveling within oneself for the purpose of consultation and connection with the lower and upper realms where you have access to multidimensional consciousness. This is a profound way to conduct a conversation and gain vital information about your path, direction, and purpose. This inner state of being is in constant contact with all levels of our consciousness.

What is The Oracle of Grandmothers?

“We are the keepers of the fire. Protectors of the flame. We are the blowers of the smoke. Alive in the sounds of flowing waters. We connect you with the truth of who you are. Why you are, and who you are. And the only answer is Love. We speak with the sole purpose of guiding you back to that universal truth of Love.

We offer a safe place for your tender heart to remember. We keep the rose present in all things and at all times because it holds the frequencies of abundant, overflowing love for you.

From The Grandmothers: We love you because you are our child. Our child’s child. Magnified through every generation of Divine Mothers.

What are Oracle cards?

Oracle cards are decks of images that awaken an aspect of your intuition. Oracle cards are a tool of divination. It tunes your mind into a new frequency. You may be familiar with Tarot cards. Oracle cards look similar in practice, but are more fluid in interpretation.

Hear the Drum

The wisdom of the ancestors speaks to us through the drum, through nature, through all things, and also through the Priestess. Sign up to receive my email newsletter and you'll not only receive my wisdom, you'll also be the first to know about upcoming events and big announcements.

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