The Unstruck Drum is the sound of God.
It is the seed sound of all that is to be born.
It is anticipation and potential.
It is the pause between breaths.

It is my passion and my calling to bridge the gap between our third dimensional lives and the land of spirits and ancestors.
This work will help you live a spiritually connected life in this third dimension. Aligned and grounded. You can exist in a space where God/Goddess leads your way and celebrate the Warriors winning the NBA title. You can find deep meaning and truth on the Earth plane – the Marvel universe, fireworks at Disneyland, or an expertly-made Manhattan, as well as with drumming and chanting and plant medicine. It is all available to you and for you in this beautiful life.
My vision is to bring the missing component of ceremony back into our culture and consciousness. It is an important part of community.
And community is where healing happens.
My story begins in San Diego, California, where I had two very different families…
One that was physically connected and one that was spiritually connected. Because of devastating ancestral trauma and colonization, my Latin family was splintered. Many family members were taken into custody of the US Government, some lost forever. But most, miraculously, stayed connected through Spirit and were able to share stories, wisdom, and healing modalities from ancient elders. They kept the flame alive and tended the altars, even when the world did not welcome them. The people who traveled miles to see my Grandmother Canela-Mary called her Healer, Shaman, Curandera, and Pastor. But she did not call herself anything “this is just who I am”. She knew herself as the threshold between worlds.
At some point in 2003, I found myself in postpartum dreamland, where I zombied around in a vulnerable and open state bumping into furniture, groaning for coffee. I came into an awareness that it would be my role to heal this broken lineage. The gaping, bleeding mother wound caused by generations upon generations of mothers betraying their children. I knew there was no other path for me. So I set out on a path to heal it. Not just for me, but for all of the Elders of the past. But most importantly for the hope of building a new world for my daughter.
In Fall of 2012 I went to my first Priestess-led Women’s Circle.
The room was candlelit and rich with incense and every possible surface was draped in lush red fabric. The music of soft strings and bold chorale voices welcomed me. I was anointed. We sat in a circle and I remembered something deep and ancient. I had –without a doubt — done this before.
In 2017 I traveled to Bali. Sitting in the Temple of Goa Lawah I vibrated with the sounds of the bell that echoed inside the bat-filled cave. The prayers in a language I did not not know, but somehow knew the words. I ceremoniously pressed rice into my third eye and placed flowers in my hair. Once again, I remembered. But this time I made a vow to never deny the Divine that is within me.
In 2018 I traveled to my Grandmother Canela-Mary to witness her completion of this life. She insisted that she come to my hotel and painfully made her way to my room. She sat with my mother and I in a circle, held hands and closed our eyes. Canela channeled an energy being named Ionia. She told me that when Canela was completed, that she would be with me. I felt physically warm and the room got bright. I breathed into the experience without fear and welcomed the Oracle of Grandmothers into my being.

Since that day…
I have studied with the Priestesses of Sisterhood of the Magdalene and have been ordained into the Order of the Rose. I have traveled to Austria to learn the science of oil extraction with a great Oils Master. I have sat with many Shamans and Priestesses and Healers who openly share techniques and teachings. As I continue to grow and expand in my many offerings, it is the blessing from my Grandmother Canela-Mary that I received that day that I hold the most reverence. She looked at my mother and said “she’s got it.”
I proudly carry Canela’s ancestral tradition of healing and medicine directly from our lineage in Mexico, Central and South America. Guided by the beauty and grace of the Divine Mother and the Oracle of Grandmothers, I blend these indigenous practices with deep tenderness and love of The Holy Rose.
In ceremonial space we collectively hold opportunities for celebration and re-alignment with the Divine Feminine, and a greater connection between our soul purpose and Highest Self.

I share these divine gifts through
one-on-one healing, oracle work, ceremony, and plant medicines.